Reading Teen

Two "young adult" moms and their teens chat about books together!

Karma Bites

Karma Bites - Stacy Kramer, Valerie  Thomas Karma Bites was a really cute book for middle grade girls, about a girl who tries to do the right thing, but in all the wrong ways. It was so entertaining to read about Franny, even as you can see that her choices are going to make her entire world spiral out of control. But, even though Franny makes some stupid decisions, you can tell that she just wants what's best for her friends, her school, and the world in general.Unfortunately, Franny seemed like the only one with half a brain in the whole book! She was a sweet, witty, funny girl in a sea of total morons. I felt so sorry for Franny, having to deal with the stupidity and/or cruelty of the friends and other schoolmates around her. Her only ally was her New-Age Grandma. "Franny's Granny" was so funny! And she was a great friend and grandma to Franny.Karma Bites is full of magical recipes (like the "Sensually Sexy Smoothie"), humorous chapter names (like "Justin Timberlake knows my name"), words of the day, Peaks, Geeks, Blogs, a Buddhist Monk, and a Moose. If you're a Middle Grade girl who likes Chic Lit, this book is for you!~Andye (

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