Have you ever felt blessed to have access to books? Or, much less simply, know how to read? When Sarwat Chadda puts pen to paper, it is brilliant. It is a privilege just to read his work. I actually felt like the author was doing me a favor by just writing this novel. I absolutely LOVED this book. Billi was my favorite character, she's seventeen and totally kick-butt. She does not want her life, and feels very pressured by her father to do her duty as a Knights Templar. She's beautiful, talented, and smart. Billi just wants to go to school, have a boyfriend, and be normal. However, that's not what life has in store for her. She's taught to fight and how to handle a sword by the very elite of Templars, and she's a natural. Chadda did such a great job writing about Billi and her distant relationship with her father. There where times that my heart really went out to Billi. She stayed so strong and did what she was told, even though she wasn't sure of her father's love. Billi's character is such a strong, clever, cheeky girl; yet so feminine. I was fascinated by the Knights Templar and what they went through to save all of humanity. The author was able to take a history lesson of the Knights Templar, throw in enough ghuls (ghouls), weres (werewolves) and vamps (vampires), to keep me on the edge of my seat. This book was so non-stop, fast paced, action/adventure, that I didn't mind the lack of romance. Believe me when I say, to keep my interest, I need romance. Well, not when Sarwat Chadda is writing. There was enough going on, that I didn't realize until waaaaay in the book that no one has been kissed. Kay, Billi's long time friend was a good addition to the story. I fell in love with his sarcasm and his protection of Billi. He was an Oracle and did his job well. I liked the way Billi and Kay worked off each other. It really made their characters deeper and more fascinating. Let me add (icing on the cake)... that someone does get kissed. There is a deep, underlying romance that is integrated so well that it doesn't require Chadda's description. ~ Amy @readingteen2 http://ReadingTeen.net/