The first read this book many years ago, and even then I loved it. A Christian novel, much like C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, is set in a modern day world where Aidan Thomas lives a very boring life. Now, in my opinion, the book doesn't get very good until Aidan enters a place called The Realm. This is kinda a medieval, fantasy twin of earth. For every person on earth, there is a "Glimpse" twin of them-- someone who looks and acts similar to their human counter-part.For many months now, I've been craving a good fantasy book. Looking around at the many bookshelves in my room, I spotted The Door Within. I remembered how much I liked it a couple of years ago and was curious to see if, after much self-maturing, (Not a lot) I still liked it as much. And I am telling you that my opinion changed. After re-reading this book, I can better understand the complexity (And simplicity) of the parables and all of the 14th century words. Yeah, I've always loved when people use words like "Thou" and "Verily"... When people use Shakespeare-like words in their novels there is a pretty chance that I'll like it.This is a great book for people who like Narnia or enjoy the whole Knight 'n' Dragon feel to a book. For anybody who isn't quite ready for Tolkien's writings, this is a great starter. And even for those who are past this level of reading, it can be a very enjoyable book. And for those of you who don't usually read this type of book... I would consider making an exception for this one. It is by far my favorite Christian novel I have ever read.Austin