Reading Teen

Two "young adult" moms and their teens chat about books together!

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight - Brad Barkley, Heather Hepler Publishers Weekly said Scrambled Eggs at Midnight, is for “…Readers who wish Romeo and Juliet had a happier ending…” Booklist called it, “A refreshing, poetic, memorable story filled with the precise small details that nudge people toward love…” The Penguin Group published Scrambled Eggs at Midnight in 2006, only one month after Heather Hepler and Brad Barkley finished writing. Heather wrote half of the first chapter before realizing that a novel was a huge undertaking on her own. After calling Brad for some advice, they agreed to write it together. With chapters alternating between Eliot and Cal, Scrambled Eggs at Midnight is a teenage love story about what happens when you just let yourself fall, and I fell hard. I fell in love, not only with the main characters of this book, but with many of the supporting ones too. There were just so many lovable people. Moving from place to place, Calliope never imagined the small town of Asheville North Carolina would be any different, she assumed it would be just like the nine other moves they’d had in the past four years. She never expected it to feel like home, never expected she’d want to stay, and never expected she’d find what she never really knew she was missing. Eliot had lived in North Carolina all of his life, and still sorely missed the Carolina beaches they moved away from years before. Shortly after relocating Eliot’s dad opened a fat camp whose slogan was “What would Jesus eat?” Being in a small town, it didn't take long for Cal and Eliot to meet at the local bookstore. Ingrained in Eliot’s mind forever, is the vision of Cal’s curly red hair and her bright green eyes. And Cal can’t stop thinking about how Eliot’s eyes were so blue they were nearly-black, and, she had to constantly remind herself, how his lips were green, definitely green. After spending more time together Cal and Eliot realize they have an immediate connection. Cal has finally found something solid in her life and Eliot is finally coming out of his shell. And I loved every single bit of it. It's so hard to find words to explain how much I loved this book. It's just that good. I've never read another Chick-Lit book that I liked as much as Scrambled Eggs at Midnight, and honestly, I'm not sure if I ever will. So read it, and I promise you'll fall in love

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